Day to day Routine or daily timetable for a play school

A typical daily routine for preschool might include:

1. **Arrival and Welcome:** Children arrive, greet teachers, and settle in.
2. **Morning Circle Time:** Start the day with a group gathering for songs, stories, and discussions.
3. **Learning Centers:** Rotate through various activities such as art, puzzles, blocks, and sensory play.
4. **Snack Time:** Provide a nutritious snack and encourage social interaction.
5. **Outdoor Play:** Allow time for gross motor skill development and free play outdoors.
6. **Structured Learning Activities:** Introduce concepts through guided activities like counting, letter recognition, or science experiments.
7. **Creative Time:** Engage in arts and crafts, music, or dramatic play.
8. **Lunch Time:** Offer a balanced meal and encourage healthy eating habits.
9. **Rest or Quiet Time:** Provide a period for relaxation or nap time.
10. **Story Time:** Read aloud to the children or allow them to explore books independently.
11. **Free Play:** Let children choose activities or play with toys of their choice.
12. **Closing Circle:** Gather to review the day, sing a goodbye song, and prepare for dismissal.

This routine can be adapted based on the specific needs and interests of the children, as well as any curriculum or educational goals of the preschool. Additionally, incorporating transitions and flexibility within the schedule helps accommodate varying attention spans and energy levels.

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